Sugar elaboration process


In order to obtain proper soil for sugarcane germination a soil study and a consequent land preparation program are required.


Sugar cane cultivation demands appropriate water provision in order to achieve good production. This is accomplished through foliar analysis, weed control, biological control and fertilizer application techniques in order to obtain an optimal crop development. Finally, irrigation is applied till about two months before harvest thus ensuring excellent cane quality.


Cutting is performed manually or mechanically, using quality parameters that reduce percentages of foreign matter. Once the cane is cut it is transported to the factory in tractors and trucks, ensuring a minimum dwell time before grinding.

Cane download and mill

The cane is unloaded over the conveyor belts in order to pass through shredders, which turn it into small pieces, facilitating juice extraction.


The grinding is performed in a tandem of up to six mills with four masses each or in a diffuser. In both cases the juice is extracted and sent to the factory for processing. The bagasse goes to the boilers to produce steam with which electricity is generated, both for the factory and field wells.

The juice is filtered to remove bagasse particles. It is then pre-treated with lime and treated again a second time using calcium saccharate to eliminate air bubbles.


The obtained juice is strained and heated to facilitate insoluble solids sedimentation. These solids are separated from the clear juice that remains at the top of the clarifier and is then sent to evaporation. The remaining sludge, called rum, is taken to the rotary vacuum filters for sucrose content recovery. This rum is used later in the fields as fertilizer to improve soil preparation.


The juice is received in a tank from where it is pumped into a clarified juice heater set. It is then sent to a five effects evaporation system for concentration and syrup making.


The massecuite passes to a high speed centrifuge in which the sugar crystals are separated from the honey. During this process the sugar is washed to remove honey residues and subsequently dried and cooled.


A hot and cold air dryer cooler is used to dry the sugar, reducing the product’s moisture.


Once the sugar has been dried and cooled it is packed in various presentation bags, depending on the needs of our domestic and international clients.